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X4: Foundations
X Rebirth VR
X Rebirth
X³: Albion Prelude
X³: Terran Conflict
X³: Reunion
X²: La Minaccia
Classifica Giocatori
X: BtF

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Many years have passed since Kyle Brennan left Earth in the X-Shuttle. The story however continues with Julian Gardna, the child who ran away from home has now grown up, but in an attempt to steal a ship, was arrested and sent to be rehabilitated. Unbeknown to him, his past holds many secrets and his future even more.
A new threat has entered the known universe, a race who have devastated one sector, and have the power to continue their reign of destruction, a race called the Khaak.


X²: The Threat is of a new generation of space simulator games, you play the role of Julian Gardna who continues the story set by X: Beyond The Frontier. The updated graphics engine gives the universe a fresher feel with newly designed ships and stations adding to the complexity of the universe.

You can explore over 130 beautifully designed sectors occupied by nebulas that affect your ships and stations, asteroids you can mine for materials you can later sell on for profit.

New Ships
Explore in over 60 ships of varying sizes from scout class ships to the much larger carrier class battleships.

ScreenshotsNew Upgrades
Upgrade your ships systems with many more upgrades, and download new upgrades that make use of the new scripting engine designed specially for X².

New Weapons
Add new weapons to your ship including the Ion Disruptor and Mass Driver, but also build factories that will develop these weapons and sell them to make a profit, expanding your own empire among the universe.

New Missions
Take part in missions offered to you on each stations bulletin board, make money by defending convoys and destroy incoming Xenon fleets intent on destroying everything in their path.
But above all else, help to defend the universe from the Khaak, before they kill everyone and everything they come across.

"X²'s massive, living, breathing galaxy is an explorers dream."
PC Gamer February 2004 - 87% for X2

The sheer size of the universe and the astounding number of ships to fly, solar systems to visit and commodities to buy blew me away."
Adrenaline Vault October 2003

...The universe has never looked so beautiful..."
Computer and Videogames.com

ESRB Rating: Teen - Drug Reference, Mild Violence

Drug Reference
Mild Violence


25.Feb.25 FAQ for the Flight Model Update
Dear X4 players, The long wait is over - the Flight Model Update (7.50) is now available! We want to thank everyone who participated in the beta, provided valuable feedback, and helped us identify and fix various issues. You have truly helped us a lot....

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20.Feb.25 X4: Hyperion Pack & Aggiornamento del Modello di Volo - Una Nuova Era Ha Inizio!
Piloti, l'attesa è finita! La giornata di oggi segna un'altra tappa fondamentale per X4: Foundations, con il rilascio di: 🚀 Aggiornamento del Modello di Volo - Una completa revisione della dinamica di volo, per rendere ogni manovra più fluida, reattiva e immersiva che mai. 🚀 X4: Hyperion Pack - Un nuovo DLC che introduce la leggendaria Nave da Spedizione Hyperion, un nuovo scenario iniziale, un nuovo settore, e altro ancora....

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30.Jan.25 X4: Hyperion Pack - in arrivo nel primo trimestre 2025
Se avete visto la nostraXmas card e la roadmap per il futuro a breve e medio termine di X4: Foundations, potreste avere già una buona idea dei nuovi contenuti in arrivo su X4 in questo primo trimestre. Ma ora è giunto il momento di renderli ufficiali e porre fine alla suspense!...

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24.Dec.24 Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo
Cari fan di X, desideriamo augurarvi un Buon Natale e un Felice Anno Nuovo!...

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03.Dec.24 X4 7.50 Aggiornamento del Modello di Volo - La Beta Pubblica Ha Inizio!
Siamo entusiasti di annunciare l'inizio della Beta pubblica per l'imminente aggiornamento 7.50 di X4: Foundations, noto anche come "Aggiornamento del Modello di Volo"! Questo importante aggiornamento introduce una revisione sostanziale del modello di volo del gioco, portando controlli più fluidi e realistici nell'universo di X4. Consultate il changelog completo alla fine di questo post e unitevi oggi stesso alla nostra Beta Pubblica, per aiutarci a preparare il rilascio dell'aggiornamento nel primo trimestre del 2025....

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