X Forum album |
Pictures of many members of the X Forum
EGOSOFT shop |
Buy EGOSOFT products and merchandise for the X series of games
Official X forum |
The new forum about X in English and German. Lot's of fun discussion and a wealth of information regarding the X games from X-BTF to X-The Threat.
OnlineUniverse.net |
The official website for the X massive multiplayer game Online-Universe or short X2OL.net.
X-TENSION and X-GOLD infos |
Official information collection about the XBTF upgrade X-TENSION that was later sold as XGOLD together with XBTF.
XNews fan newsletter |
Collection of released issues of the XNEWS fan newsletter. To subscribe and receive this in email form just sign up to the community page or forum.
BNJ - Heavy Spacework Industries |
Master Incorporated International |
The international page for Master Incorporated. M_Inc has more than 45 Members!
[SEG] Space Engineering Guild |
Space Engineering Guild. We like building stuff =) (Currently under construction)
2X-pensive |
German Fansite with a X3 FAQ, a Gallery and Downloads..
Alpha Orbital |
News and information on X Rebirth with detailed ship information.
Argonopedia |
The X-Universe encyclopaedia that anyone can edit.
BTB's X-BTF page |
includes Map of the X universe in Adobe Acrobat format and a walkthrough for X starters.
klarix' X Page (Trading Table) |
Informations for the X trader (X-BtF & X-Tension). All about sectors, stations, products and ships.
Matthew Farmerys X2 download section |
Welocme to the X2 downloads section, here you will find scripts, pictures and other stuff for X2
Mogsy's X-Universe Support Base |
This site has pages with maps, tips, save games and walkthroughs to cover X Beyond the Frontier, X - Tension and X2 : The Threat.
Rogueys Site |
X3 Fansite with a forum, help, tips, stats ,reference guides, mods & downloads.
The X Universe |
Nice Forum....home of the Xtended Mod.
X Rebirth Nexus |
A repository of mods for X Rebirth.
X Story Archive |
An archive of stories set in the X Universe.
X-BTF Strategic Resources |
Comprehensive resources for X-Beyond the Frontier. A complete, cross-referenced database containing maps, system notes and factory / goods database. Online and offline versions.
X-Database |
extensive Database for X3
X-Wiki |
X-Wiki is a wiki based site about all aspects of modding X2 - The Threat and X3 Reunion.
X2 Interactive Map |
A Macromedia Flash based interactive map for X2. Looks like the in-game map.
X3 Wiki |
X3 Wiki provides you with the information about X3 that you need. All the information is written and shared by the community.
X3-Universe Active Map |
This website helps X3 players to find weaponry and important resources in the universe.
Xai Corporation |
Located in Cloudbase South West, near the Goner Temple, Research Station Alpha is the place to get Xai Corporations state of the art software upgrades for the MSCI, as well as providing an environment to encourage collaboration in projects.
Another review of X-BtF - Rating 7.7 out of 10 || 06.Mar.2000 |
Gamespot review of X-BtF || 02.Aug.2000 |
Rating: 8.1 - great
GameSpy - XBTF Review || 17.Mar.2000 |
Rating: 68%
PC Zone Review of X-Tension || 13.Aug.2001 |
Rating 8/10
PC Zone UK Review of X-BTF || 13.Aug.2001 |
Rating 9/10
HTML Help |
In my opinion, this is a very helpful site if you are learning HTML.
Action Trip || 02.Oct.2003 |
ActionTrip Review || Nov.2004 |
79/100 - "For that reason, we recommend all gamers to give it a try, especially those of you with beastly rigs and an aptitude for Elite-like space sims."
Boomtown || 09.Sep.2003 |
Eurogamer || 26.Jun.2003 |
Screenshots and comments on Eurogamer
Gamespot Review || 22.Dec.2004 |
7.4/10 pros: grafic, good and rare Space Sim; cons: sounds, complexity, combat
GameSpy Review || 18.Dec.2003 |
4/5 Stars plus "Editor's Choice Award" - "This is what space games should be about: lush scenery, freedom, and room to roam. Elite is dead. Long live X2."
HardCoreWare.Net || 20.Mar.2003 |
Deep and detailed preview/interview with more screen shots. 20th March 2003.
News0r || 22.Aug.2003 |
PC Zone interview about X || 20.Aug.2002 |
Indepth interview about X2 from August 2002
PC Zone Preview || 22.Apr.2003 |
First preview - 22nd April 2003.
PC Zone || 20.Aug.2002 |
Interviews and continually updated screen shots.
Review at PCZone UK || 24.Jan.2004 |
"The best space game ever"
92% Classic Games Award
Wicked Toast || 11.Oct.2003 |
Worthplaying.com || 16.Nov.2003 |
GameSpy's a First Look on X - May 20, 2005 |
GameSpy's first look at X³.
IGN about X at E3 |
IGN.com gives a short impression of X³: Reunion at E3.
May 20, 2005
Reunion Interview - May 18, 2005 |
Greg Kingston talks to ign.com.
May 18, 2005
Screenies and more Screenies at Gamespot |
A whole bunch of X screenshots.
The Power of X |
Greg Kingston unveils some more infos anout X³ at gamespot. 07/21/05
X3: Reunion - Developer Diary No.1; 08/18/2005 |
TVG takes a closer look behind the making and makers of X³.
X First Look at TVG - 04/27/2005 |
TVG takes a first glance at X³: Reunion.
X Preview - 03/21/05 |
An early preview of X³: Reunion on gamespot. 03/21/05
X Q&A - 06/05/2005 |
TVG interrogates Bernd Lehahn.
X3 Terran Conflict Review on cheatcc.com |
X3 Terran Conflict Review on gamersmark.com |
X3 Terran Conflict Review on gamingexcellence.com |
X3 Terran Conflict Review on gamingshogun.com |
X3 Terran Conflict Review on ign.com |
X3 Terran Conflict Review on metacritic.com |
X3 Terran Conflict Review on thegamereviews.com |
X3 Terran Conflict Review on uk.gamespot.com |
X3 Terran Conflict Videos and Screenshots on eurogamer.net |
X3: Terran Conflict The Aldrin Missions on gamefocus.ca |